Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lady Gaga Wants Breast Augmentation

Photo: mirror.co.uk

Lady Gaga is lusting for a new accessory, and this time, we're not talking a fire cracker bra or or meat dress.

The pop star was overheard telling a waitress in New York that she was having a serious case of boob job envy while enjoying dinner with her beau, Luc Carl, reports the Daily Star UK.

"I love your boobs! Are they real? I really want to get implants too, I love fake boobs," Gaga allegedly told the waitress. But the platinum blonde had some reservations. "I'm not sure how Luc would feel about me getting my boobs made bigger," added the star.

This actually brings up a great point that readers looking to get a boob job often complain to me about: boyfriends and husbands who aren't down with the idea, and aren't supportive. It can be really upsetting when your man doesn't stand behind a major (and exciting) decision like getting a breast augmentation.

It's confusing, isn't it? Here you are, wanting to look your best -- and chances are, you probably take good care of yourself -- eat well, workout, dress well -- as many breast augmentation patients tend to do, because they're concerned with looking their best. Shouldn't a man be proud to have a woman who takes care of herself as a partner?

The thing is, breast implants cause any insecurities that a man has to boil to the surface -- because many fear that a pair of new boobs is going to be followed by an upgrade in a new man too. You can allay these type of fears with a sit-down chat about how the only that will be changing will be your boobs -- not your relationship. Just talking about it could be all the comfort he needs to get on board with the idea.

Other times, a guy can just be worried about your safety. There are boob job horror stories all over the internet, newspapers and television -- and many people mistakenly believe it's a dangerous surgery with risky complications and unattractive results. Nothing could be further from the truth of course if you do all your research and make the right choices, but people don't know that. If this is the case with your man, let him know that you've done all the research, and show him pictures of the kind of results you're going for. People don't always realize that boob jobs come in more than just one size and shape -- and when he sees that you've hired a great surgeon and have a specific final look in mind, he'll probably relax and maybe even become your cheerleader.

And more rarely, the issue could be that your man is just a boob about boob jobs -- and an underlying cause like jealousy or controlling behavior that is reflected in other areas of the relationship too comes to a head. In this case, you'll want to consider cleaning up or moving past the relationship before you get involved with a breast augmentation -- so that you're in a healthy, positive and happy state of mind before you make such a major decision.

And if you're looking for support, don't hesitate to reach out to me. My contact info is on my blog bio page.

