Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Breast Augmentation Tops Year's Procedures

The numbers are in for most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in 2012, and breast augmentation has topped the charts!

The Wall Street Journal covered the news in a recent story, Once Banned, Silicone Breast Implants Make A Comeback.

The WSJ is of course talking about the USA market, which banned silicone implants for years amid safety concerns that mostly had to do with leaking implants and patient health.

But the rest of the world has been continuing to buy silicone implants, with saline rarely an option anywhere else.

People often ask me if I think silicone breast implants are safe. The answer is truly different for every woman, and depends on her comfort level with the idea of silicone.

I personally chose saline implants when I made the decision years ago because peace of mind was important to me. I also liked the saline had a lower incidence rate of capsular contracture, the most common potential complication of breast augmentation that results in hardened breasts.

Yet silicone continues to evolve, and today's offerings are better than ever before. The safety, feel, and potential lifetime of the implants have all vastly improved - and the next time I have to make the choice, I may consider silicone!

If you're still trying to decide between silicone and saline, be sure to read Chapter 4 of my eBook, The Boob Job Bible: How To Get A Safe, Sexy Breast Augmentation. I make the choice simple, and dependent on the things that are most important to YOU.